# ########################################## # https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt # ########################################## # # Log Format # ZCZC W# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode + Description List # ZCZC W08 30 L18 Reading and Demos ZCZC W08 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 14-11-2023 ZCZC W08 100 L18 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W08 30 L18 Update links.md ZCZC W08 20 L18 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W08 10 L18 Script Download ZCZC W08 120 L18 Linux From Scratch Ch. 1-5 ZCZC W08 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 16-11-2023 ZCZC W08 30 L18 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 08 ZCZC W08 10 L05 POP QUIZ W08-1 ZCZC W08 30 L05 POP QUIZ W08-2 ZCZC W08 10 L05 POP QUIZ W08-3 ZCZC W08 15 L05 Week 08 Quiz 01 ZCZC W08 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W07 30 L17 Reading and Demos ZCZC W07 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 07-11-2023 ZCZC W07 100 L17 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W07 30 L17 Update links.md ZCZC W07 20 L17 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W07 10 L17 Script Download ZCZC W07 30 L17 Synchronization ZCZC W07 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 09-11-2023 ZCZC W07 30 L17 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 07 ZCZC W07 10 L05 POP QUIZ W07-1 ZCZC W07 30 L05 POP QUIZ W07-2 ZCZC W07 15 L05 Week 07 Quiz 01 ZCZC W07 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W06 30 L16 Reading and Demos ZCZC W06 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 31-10-2023 ZCZC W06 100 L16 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W06 30 L16 Update links.md ZCZC W06 20 L16 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W06 10 L16 Script Download ZCZC W06 30 L16 Fork and Shared Memory ZCZC W06 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 02-11-2023 ZCZC W06 30 L16 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 06 ZCZC W06 10 L05 POP QUIZ W06-1 ZCZC W06 30 L05 POP QUIZ W06-2 ZCZC W06 10 L05 POP QUIZ W06-3 ZCZC W06 15 L05 Week 06 Quiz 01 ZCZC W06 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W05 30 L15 Reading and Demos ZCZC W05 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 03-10-2023 ZCZC W05 100 L15 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W05 30 L15 Update links.md ZCZC W05 20 L15 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W05 30 L15 How Low (Memory) Can You Go? ZCZC W05 10 L15 Script Download ZCZC W05 30 L15 Memory ZCZC W05 30 L15 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 05 ZCZC W05 10 L05 POP QUIZ W05-1 ZCZC W05 30 L05 POP QUIZ W05-2 ZCZC W05 10 L05 POP QUIZ W05-3 ZCZC W05 15 L05 Week 05 Quiz 01 ZCZC W05 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W04 30 L14 Reading and Demos ZCZC W04 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 26-09-2023 ZCZC W04 100 L14 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W04 30 L14 Update links.md ZCZC W04 20 L14 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W04 10 L14 Script Download ZCZC W04 10 L14 Compiling TLPI ZCZC W04 30 L14 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 04 ZCZC W04 10 L05 POP QUIZ W04-1 ZCZC W04 30 L05 POP QUIZ W04-2 ZCZC W04 15 L05 Week 04 Quiz 01 ZCZC W04 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W03 30 L13 Reading and Demos ZCZC W03 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 19-09-2023 ZCZC W03 30 L13 Add/Create An Extra Virtual Disk ZCZC W03 100 L13 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W03 30 L13 Update links.md ZCZC W03 20 L13 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W03 10 L13 Script Download ZCZC W03 30 L13 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 03 ZCZC W03 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 21-09-2023 ZCZC W03 10 L05 Week 03 Quiz 01 ZCZC W03 30 L05 POP QUIZ W03-2 ZCZC W03 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W02 30 L12 Reading Watchings and Demos ZCZC W02 30 L12 Generating GnuPG and Export Public Key “mypubkey.txt” ZCZC W02 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 12-09-2023 ZCZC W02 100 L12 Read some articles for LINKS ZCZC W02 30 L12 Update links.md ZCZC W02 20 L12 Review 10 LINKS and update myrank.txt ZCZC W02 10 L12 Script Download ZCZC W02 30 L12 Finishing Weekly Assignment - Week 02 ZCZC W02 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 14-09-2023 ZCZC W02 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W01 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 05-09-2023 ZCZC W01 60 L11 Installing Virtual Box: Debian ZCZC W01 20 L11 Running Debian Guest ZCZC W01 60 L11 Dress Up Virtual Guest ZCZC W01 20 L11 PULL from / PUSH to GitHub with SSH ZCZC W01 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 07-09-2023 ZCZC W01 60 L11 Add index.md, links.md, and myupdate.txt to GitHub ZCZC W01 30 L32 Watch Tutorial video about awk and regex ZCZC W01 10 L05 Week 01 Quiz 01 ZCZC W01 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt ZCZC W00 20 L00 General, etc. ZCZC W00 20 L01 Join Scele course ZCZC W00 100 L02 Lecture on class Tuesday 29-08-2023 ZCZC W00 10 L02 Submit registration form OS-232 on Google Form ZCZC W00 20 L03 Create os232 GitHub repository, TXT/mylog.txt, LICENSE.md and README.md ZCZC W00 10 L04 Deploy Github Pages ZCZC W00 30 L05 Setup SEB & Finish Dummy Quiz ZCZC W00 100 L02 Lecture on class Thursday 31-08-2023 ZCZC W00 30 L30 Operating Systems: Visual Metaphor (Udacity) ZCZC W00 15 L32 Watch 10 Linux Terminal Commands for Beginners ZCZC W00 10 L05 Week 00 Quiz 01 ZCZC W00 10 L41 Update TXT/mylog.txt